Overall feels like a very old generation app. Its a pain to use (not that the Cooks Illustrated website is much better..."The Feed" website has a really good UI oddly that I much prefer...clearly the cooks illustrated band of websites must all be on different technologies it seems!...anyways I digress.)
I dont like how for recipes that items are on different tabs. Also does anyone notice that if your phone locks or goes idle and you go back to the app, the item you searched for is no longer available? What good is making a shopping list if I go to the grocery store and my list is gone?! You cant do a cross app search (meaning I cant just search for a recipe if I previously clicked on the Equipment Revew or other non recipe tab). I could go on. Huge fan of Cooks Illustrated - just not their technology as evidenced by their apps and/or website!!
NYCScott81 about Cook’s Illustrated